Design of a Solid Waste Management Programme for WHH in Sierra Leone

Service line: Sustainable Cities
Project: Design of a Solid Waste Management Programme in Bo, Kenema and Makeni for Welthungerhilfe (WHH) to apply for Grant Funding from DFID, Sierra Leone
Client: Welthungerhilfe (WHH)
Dates: 11/2018 - 02/2019
UrbanEmerge developed, in consultation with stakeholders, an integrated waste management programme proposal to address urgent needs and with a strong emphasis in addressing governance and public accountability. Grant funding was successfully secured from DFID to build on the ongoing WHH waste management support in Bo, Kenema and Makeni. The programme comprises: Institutional reform to create a waste management department with revenue generation; Encouraging the development micro-enterprises (door to door waste collection and resource recovery and recycling), interlinked with government service delivery; and related action research on low cost appropriate technologies; and awareness raising and public education on improved waste management systems.