Joe Wood
Social Impact & Resettlement
Jonathan (Joe) Wood is a highly experienced socio-economist with over 35 years experience of working on a wide range of development projects in over 35 countries throughout the world. Recent work includes Social Impact Analyses and resettlement planning for road projects in China and India and resettlement plans for an urban infrastructure project in Vietnam. He has also defined, undertaken and supervised resettlement and livelihood restoration monitoring assessments in China. Recent work on sustainable transportation in Asia as a whole and Bangladesh in particular also involved consideration of road accident and pedestrian safety issues. He is very familiar with ADB social safeguards policies having applied them on several studies. He is also a registered expert for social and due diligence assessment for the EIB.
Jonathan has also carried out two major social protection studies for the Asian Development Bank. Together these studies (which provided inventories of social protection programmes in 31 countries (including Pakistan) as well as simple indicators that summarised key characteristics of a country’s provision of social protection – expenditure, coverage, poverty targeting and impact on incomes. He has managed 6 Country Poverty Assessment studies for Caribbean countries since 2002-03. These studies require a detailed examination of the causes and characteristics of poverty in these countries with particularly emphasis on its implications for women, youth, the elderly, the unemployed and the rural poor. Jonathan also has extensive experience of designing, organising and analysing field surveys using both quantitative (e.g. sample household surveys) and qualitative (e.g. participatory poverty assessments) methodologies.